Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Super Bowl Weekend

I've been told numerous times that you can make your own t-shirt designs using freezer paper and James being the crafty one in the marriage...made this. And, I must say, James continues to find treasures at the DI. This shirt only cost $4 and it still had the tags on it.

My nephew Gerik can guess. Back in the day he fell in love with the packers because their helmets have a big "G" on them. Good thing they won.

Just practicing with the camera.

Too bad we aren't in "Steeler Nation".

Jeremy was in the army and is a helicopter pilot. Kinta is from Australia. All in all, James had plenty to talk about with these folks. They moved to Australia since the economy is booming there with jobs. I miss them a lot! I'm sure someday down the road we will go visit.

In other news: Never apply to grad school. A lot of people thought it was stupid to apply to so many, but its been a great learning experience. Case in point:

1: SFSU can't write a proper email nor give accurate information when things are due.
2: UofU lost my application, then found it, told me I would hear back from them oh about now, but than got an email saying I won't get a response until April.
3: It's very hard when you have other people involved. Letters of recommendations are useful, but they are the whole reason why I won't get accepted into two schools. They have the possibility of not getting turned in on time or getting lost in translation.
4: Never get married after you graduate from college(this coming from a Mormon). The schools will put your transcripts under your maiden name and then they'll claim they don't have them.
5: The school may raise their tuition fees even more(EIGHT GRAND MORE)!
6: Be grateful that at least one school had there act together and didn't do any of this.

I still have to interview with UPenn and after that I will let you all know where I'm going. Did you know that UPenn is an Ivy League school?! I had no clue until after I submitted my application. I've got some balls for applying(excuse my crudeness).

In great news: I got a merit scholarship to Pitt! "I am so smart, S-M-R-T" - it's recited a lot in my household even though James and I don't like the Simpson's tv show.

1 comment:

  1. You would love it here in Pittsburgh! If you end up going to Pitt be sure to talk to me. We have loved living here. I can't believe you might be moving out here right as I'm leaving! Ugggg!!!!! What are you going to grad school for?

    Ok fine, I can't lie. Winters sort of suck...
